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Harvey Creek

Harvey Creek is the major tributary to Sullivan Lake in northeast Washington, which drains into the Pend Oreille River and Columbia River system. The creek runs approximately 12 miles, draining an area of 38 square miles, with several tributaries. Harvey Creek supports a genetically pure, wild stock of Westslope cutthroat trout as well as introduced kokanee and other resident fishes. Harvey Creek and the greater Sullivan basin remain free of brook trout, thanks to restoration efforts, and is currently being considered for bull trout reintroduction by the Kalipel Tribe and other stakeholders. To sustain trout populations, Trout Unlimited identified habitat protection within Harvey Creek as a key conservation strategy and the US Forest Service identified it as a priority for restoration.

To sustain trout populations, Trout Unlimited identified habitat protection within Harvey Creek as a key conservation strategy and the US Forest Service identified it as a priority for restoration. Trout Unlimited is working with the Kalispel Tribe to secure grant funding for restoration work in the lower portion of Harvey Creek. Work has been ongoing since 2020 with Natural Systems Design to assess the habitat conditions and develop a preliminary design plan to address some of the concerns, including: lack of habitat complexity, seasonal dewatering, and lack of instream shading and cover.

  • Restoration & Reconnection
  • Kalispel Tribe
  • The US Forest Service
  • Subsurface Flows

The preliminary design plan calls for placement of engineered log jams, riparian planting, and entrenched wood structures. If grant funding is approved construction will begin in 2026.

This project would be the first phase of work in Harvey Creek with hopes to restore the lower 1.9 miles of stream over time. Several other projects have been completed or proposed higher in the Harvey Creek drainage including additional habitat restoration work by the US Forest Service and several culvert replacements. The Harvey Creek drainage and larger Sullivan watershed provide an opportunity to preserve quality trout habitat with cold, clean water.